achchha banaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 3 Yes, I promised you and I have given my faith Never to forget everything you doi (s); I swore my care, my fair complacency You always answer my gratitude 2. At stake is an actual function of displacement, since the principle of the fair value is well over an entire economic activity is only one aspect of it 3. Between Baroque animation and neoclassical coldness, Gabriel has always maintained a balance and a fair measure which, in truth, little affect the sensitivity of our time 4. Close the night Paul Morand Gallimard Paris 1888-Paris 1976 French Academy in 1968 She was fair as the wife of another 5. cooperation "to the Card "and the" fair return "

Given are the examples of hindi word achchha banaana usage in english sentences. The examples of achchha banaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fair.

In what ways were they denied justice? More importantly, what are the ways in which they can exercise their rights as consumers to get a fair deal from the sellers when they felt they had been denied a just treatment? We participate in the market both as producers and consumers.

Similarly, many people who work in the unorganised sector have to work at a low wage and accept conditions that are not fair and are also often harmful to their health.
Markets do not work in a fair manner when producers are few and powerful whereas consumers purchase in small amounts and are scattered.
Here we also examine the role of the Election Commission in ensuring free and fair elections.
But it is sometimes necessary to regulate campaigns to ensure that every political party and candidate gets a fair and equal chance to compete.
An agent of each candidate is allowed to sit inside the polling booth and ensure that the voting takes place in a fair way.
One simple way of checking whether elections are fair or not is to look at who conducts the elections.
Are they independent of the government? Or can the government or the ruling party influence or pressurise them? Do they have enough powers to be able to conduct free and fair elections? Do they actually use these powers? The answer to all these questions is quite positive for our country.
When election officials come to the opinion that polling was not fair in some booths or even an entire constituency, they order a repoll.
Then in the seventh grade he got a hint of what real science is when he entered a county science fair and lost.
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